The Made Real Lab Home Movie
What Prototyping Looks Like When It Goes Remote
The Made Real Lab™ isn’t just a place—or not a just a single place (they’re all over the globe). It’s not a merely collection of laser cutters, 3D printers, or CNC machines… though you’ll find some or all of these there. It’s not exactly a prototyping process, though we’ve responsibly evolved our process over decades of iteration. The Made Real Lab isn’t exclusively our people, but it depends on them to fabricate digital and physical prototypes there, such as the GENTL Mask. The fact is, the Made Real Lab is an idea, and as such it is portable. Now that we’re operating Remote By Design™, our skilled practitioners have brought the essential components of this idea—ingenuity, rigorous testing, and, yes, even a 3D printer or two—into their homes. In the lively video below, Richard Ciccarelli, Senior Director of the Made Real Lab, shows us what prototyping looks like when it goes remote. Enjoy!