Overcome the Barriers to Designing a New-to-the-World Product
Introducing a brand new product offering can be a daunting task for any business. Doing so means coming up with that breakthrough innovative idea, developing a sound business case, testing with consumers, building and scaling the offering, and then launching—all the while hoping what you’ve just created will succeed in the market.
But how do you approach resonance testing with consumers for a product or service idea that doesn’t yet exist?
Designers must adapt their research strategies to gather meaningful consumer feedback for new-to-the-world offerings they’ve never actually seen. Continuum Principal Kristin Heist explains how it’s done in this video clip:
Want a deeper dive into how we approach the design process for new-to-the-world offerings? Check out SVP Kevin Young's article recapping how his team partnered with Unilever to design an entire experiential ecosystem for the world’s first IoT beauty device, the iluminage Skin Smoothing Laser.