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“2023 [Was] the Year of Excitement and Experimentation, and 2024 Is the Year of Optimization and Efficiency”

The Resonance Test 89: Guest Speaker Rowan Curran and Elaina Shekhter on Generative AI

“2023 [Was] the Year of Excitement and Experimentation, and 2024 Is the Year of Optimization and Efficiency”

The Resonance Test 89: Guest Speaker Rowan Curran and Elaina Shekhter on Generative AI

Can today’s companies afford to be Luddites?

This is one of the big questions that Elaina Shekhter, EPAM’s Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer and SVP, puts to today’s Resonance Test guest, Rowan Curran, Senior Analyst at Forrester.

In the case of generative AI, both answer: No. Why? Shekhter notes that whatever your competitive edge in 2022, today everyone is encountering a different mode of operations. The positioning around the success or failure of your AI efforts must be “accelerating along the vector of AI, because the opportunity to get away from the competition, faster, is much greater now than it ever has been.”

In a lively and informed session of back-and-forth, they parse what is real and what is a hallucination in GenAI at this moment.

Curran says that lately there has been an “ebullient explosion” of work on tools and approaches to manage system outputs. “Are we there yet in terms of having these be optimized architectures and things like that? Absolutely not. But is there tons of work being done there or are we approaching reasonable solutions to those problems? Yes, absolutely.”

What should companies be doing to ensure they're ready to benefit and succeed with AI?

“Right now, everybody's building the gen one of enterprise generative AI applications,” says Curran, and this will make them ubiquitous. But if your organization fails to adopt them, he adds: “You are going to be falling behind everybody else who is actually building with this stuff today.”

Listen closely and learn what will the currency of the future be, the commercial and economic models of successful GenAI, the nature of productivity gains: “Somebody saving 30 minutes per day who makes $60K a year is going to have a very different economic impact on the company versus somebody who makes $200K a year and saves 30 minutes per day,” Curran says. They also discuss how this new tech will transform the shape of work and what companies will be focusing on this year: “2023 is the year of excitement and experimentation, and 2024 is the year of optimization and efficiency,” says Curran.

Oh… and it might also transform the future of fun! “I do think we could use the new technology to make work more fun for people,” says Shekhter, who sees in the soaring advance of multimodal LLMs an opportunity for people “to develop in an enlightened way.”

Enlighten yourself first. Smash that play button.

Host: Alison Kotin
Engineer: Kyp Pilalas
Producer: Ken Gordon


In this Q&A, Rowan Curran answers even more questions about AI.

Tech executives: Ted Schadler, Forrester’s VP and Principal Analyst, speaks to your AI concerns in this explanatory post.

Forrester’s report, “Predictions 2024: Artificial Intelligence,” (subscription required) digs deep in the trends Curran mentioned.

TuringBots: You heard about them on from Curran—now get the full story here.

Prepare your business to heed the call of generative AI.

What does it take to build an AI- and data-literate culture? Read this eBook and learn.

If you must develop AI, develop it responsibly.